How We Invest

The Invention Lab discovers promising early-stage startups through open innovation projects with leading domestic companies and proactively executes seed investments.

Total number of Investments

43 billion KRW+

Fund Account Investment

2Trilion KRW+

Total Enterprise Value of Invested Portfolio

The Invention Lab's Investments

Proactively invest in startups by forming a dedicated investment vehicle
  • Form investment combinations with specific themes, markets, and objectives, and select teams that align with them.
  • Invest in early-stage startup teams with the potential for rapid growth.
Discover the “Next Big Thing” in SEA markets
  • Focusing on emerging Southeast Asian markets with a focus on Vietnam
  • Aggressive early-stage investment in domestic startups entering the Vietnamese market
Deal scouting with companies, through OI programs
  • Co-create and co-invest in great teams through open innovation programs
  • Identify, collaborate, and proof-of-concept test teams that align with corporate goals and make strategic early investments.



더인벤션랩, 2024년 성과발표, 126억의 신규펀드 결성, 42개 기업, 88억 투자완료


더인벤션랩, ‘2024 투비닥터 창업경진대회’ 성황리에 종료


더인벤션랩, 말레이시아 Sunway iLabs와 스타트업 진출 협력을 위한 업무협약(MOU) 체결



VKSEN 2023ㅣGMEP HCMC Demoday

2023. 11. 2

2023 Indonesian-Korean Startup Mingling & Meet-Up Day(Interview)

2023. 11. 1

2023 Indonesian-Korean Startup Mingling & Meet-Up Day(Highlight)

We are looking for startup teams to participate in the Open Innovation Program with The Invention Lab.